Saturday, June 25, 2011

Shane Dawson strikes out with Rebecca Black

YouTube sensation Shane Dawson has apparently been turned down by Rebecca Black, not for a date, but for a cameo appearance in one of his videos.

Earlier today Dawson tweeted:
ugh. turned town a cameo in my video. why cant i be as cool as katy perry??
LOL Shane, Rebecca Black is 14 years old! You're the 22-year-old creator of some very funny but extremely off-color videos. It's easy to imagine Rebecca's parents objecting to the ribald humor in your videos and nixing her appearance.

And as much as I love you, Shane, Rebecca's got the upper hand over you:

As the chart above shows, even with all the time that has passed since she was briefly Queen of the Internet, she's still trouncing you as the target of Google searches.

Did you offer her any compensation? Who knows what she was paid by Katy Perry for Last Friday Night and by Funny or Die, but they likely weren't free appearances. Notice where she's credited in the list of people for Last Friday Night:
...Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" featuring Rebecca Black, Darren Criss, Kevin McHale, Hanson, Kenny G, Debbie Gibson and Corey Feldman!
Shane, I know you've worked hard for years to make a success of yourself on YouTube, but I'm sorry to have to say: She's out of your league, dude.

For a moment, Rebecca Black was Queen of the Internet

The above chart shows how Rebecca Black fared against other well-known entertainers in March, 2011.

This is why she drives so many people crazy with jealousy. With no effort on her part beyond making her video and posting it to YouTube, she zoomed past Lady Gaga and briefly, Justin Bieber as the target of Google searches. No wonder Lady Gaga said "...Rebecca Black is a genius..."

While her March spike has subsided quite a bit, she's still trending decently today:

Take that, Internet marketing consultants!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday lyrics reworked for Rebecca Black's birthday

In honor of Rebecca Black's birthday today, here's an abbreviated song lyric sung to the tune of Friday,  minus one chorus and the rap part:

June 21st, it's special today
The day I was born, it is my birthday
Gotta call my friends, gotta have them over
Once they get here we'll start the party
Playing all the games that are amusing
We'll pin the tail onto the donkey
Gotta play my favorite, musical chairs

First I pass by one chair
Then I pass another
When the music ceases
Which chair will I take?

My birthday, birthday
Gotta enjoy my birthday
After cake looking forward to open presents
Birthday, birthday
Gotta enjoy my birthday
After cake looking forward to my presents

Opening presents, yeah!
Opening presents, yeah!
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to my presents

This year it's on Tuesday, Tuesday
Next year it's on Thursday, Thursday
It is my my birthday
It is my birthday
I'm gonna have a fun birthday

Next year is 2012
And 2013 comes afterwards
Guess which day my birthday is then...

On Friday, Friday
My birthday will fall on Friday
I just cannot wait until twenty thirteen
Friday, Friday
My birthday will fall on Friday
What a fantastic day to turn sweet sixteen

Opening presents, yeah!
Opening presents, yeah!
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to my presents

Which of Rebecca Black's birthdays fall on Friday?

Today is Rebecca Black's birthday. Some people on Twitter have been sad that today is a Tuesday instead of Friday.

Her birthday has fallen on Friday once before, and she has more coming up. Here's a list of the years when Rebecca Black's birthday falls on Friday and the age she'll be:

2002   5
2013  16
2019  22
2024  27
2030  33
2041  44
2047  50
2052  55
2058  61
2069  72
2075  78
2080  83
2086  89
2097 100

'Friday' went viral on a Friday, peaked one week later on a Friday

Here's some trivia about Rebecca Black's video Friday:

First, Rebecca Black's Friday went viral on Friday, March 11, 2011.

One week later viral interest peaked on Friday, March 18, 2011.
    It's interesting that two Fridays mark important points in the Friday video's history!